Normal Website

Not a front for a secret organization.
Written by Rob Schultz (human).

Omegle #2

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
 Stranger: should the cock be capitalized?
 You: you must be SO lonely
 You: poor dear.
 Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
 Stranger: hi
 You: You're talking to a 'bot, moron!
 Stranger: I am
 You: You're talking to a 'bot, moron!
 Stranger: I don't believe you
 You: You're talking to a 'bot, moron!
 Stranger: fuck you
 You: You're talking to a 'bot, moron!
 Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
 Stranger: hey
 You: I don't have time to chat, I lost my keys.
 Stranger: well that blows
 You: yeah, I know. I don't really have time to talk to strangers.
 Stranger: o ok then. maybe we can be friends then?
 You: I'm sorry. I really do need a friend right now, but I don't have time to type. I'm looking for those darn keys!
 Connection asploded.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
 Stranger: hey
 You: oh crp I jut pilled my drink on the keybord
 Stranger: hahahhaha
 Stranger: sad
 You: the to ro on the left ren't orking
 Stranger: sucks
 You: thi i terrible
 Stranger: i'm sorry
 Stranger: well asl?
 You: I till hve hlf pper to rite, too
 Stranger: i'm sorry
 You: I hve to think of ord ith different letter no
 Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
 Stranger: hello!
 You: Welcome to the text adventure!
 You: Do you want to get on the highway or take surface roads?
 You: surface roads are like local sidestreets, but the highway might go to the danger zone!
 Stranger: highway!
 You: You're now on the highway.
 You: Oh man, it's backed up for miles!
 You: Do you want to turn on the radio or leave it off?
 Stranger: Hmm. What kind of car do I have?
 Stranger: I want the radio on
You're driving a chevy nova!
 You: The radio is on.
 Stranger: FFFFUUU
 You: Do you want the hard rock music, or the classical birdsongs?
 You: Your car advances seven feet.
 Stranger: Classical birdsongs. The traffic will stress me out, so the music will have a calming effect
 You: You're listening to classical birdsongs
 You: Your car advances seven feet.
 You: Suddenly, the music is interrupted!
 Stranger: Oh no!
 You: An announcer breaks in with a special report!
 You: He needs more money to continue the classical birdsongs!
 Stranger: Damn.
 You: Do you want to pledge at the dollar a day level or the 13 dollars a week bonus gold member level?
 Stranger: Gold member, of course
 You: Your car advances seven feet.
 You: A jogger passes the car.
 You: You call the classical birdsong station.
 Stranger: Good
 You: Suddenly, the battery on your phone explodes!
***you have died***
 Stranger: Ah, how unfortunate
 You: ***you scored 14 out of a possible 1300 points***
 Stranger: twas a good run, though
 Stranger: only 14 points, darn
 Stranger: thanks for letting me play!
 Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
 Stranger: oi
 You: Shhh.
 You: don't say anything
 You: let's just enjoy the moment.
 Stranger: sure
 Stranger: finish?
 You: ssh!
 Stranger: sory
 You: just take deep breaths, and think of england.
 Stranger: yes
 Stranger: .....
 Stranger: what I do now?
 Your conversational partner has disconnected.